Episode 168: Shut Down The Summer Nightastic

Dude, summer sucks. Can I please go where it’s autumn 24/7?  Jeez!!!  In the very first episode of Mouse Rants’ #ShutDownTheSummer, Jerry and Simone discuss the 2009/2010 short-lived summer series, Summer Nightastic, and since this is a show about how much summer blows, we might as well talk about something else that blows….Disneyland.  That’s right, we’ll be discussing Summer Nightastic in Disneyland AND Walt Disney World… But first another episode of Skids & Simone Sample Stuff (this time from multiple countries!) and a couple other surprises thrown into the mix.  It’s an all-out shutdown of the summer in this week’s episode of Mouse Rants. 

Here’s that dancing video we talked about for anyone interested.

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