Episode 145: Misting Pretzels Are Soooo Goooooood! – The Vlog Review Episode Jerry & Simone Did – Part 2 (LIVE)

As YouTube month concludes, Jerry & Simone went LIVE again on August 2nd (yeah it was supposed to be July 31st, but whatever) for part 2 of their vlog review segment, where they give a fair assessment of a plethora of popular Disney vlogs.  Join in the fun as Simone randomly draws vlogs from a hat and they both watch the randomized show for the second time.  Will they like it?  Will it be just awful?  Find out on tonight’s live episode of Mouse Rants.


– Please send all comments, questions, concerns, thoughts, musings and hate mail to mouserants@gmail.com

– Also take a few minutes to review us on iTunes. 5 star reviews give you good karma.

WARNING: All episodes contain language and content, that could be deemed offensive by certain people. Also, all opinions and allusions to any alleged events are just that..opinions… allegedly. If an alleged fact is not backed up, then it is an opinion. Please judge wisely before blindly clicking on this. It is intended for an 18+ audience.

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